Community Voices

Community Voices: Sixers forward Tobias Harris on the NBA’s action on social issues


As a part of our commitment and responsibility as an ally, we intend to highlight and amplify black voices within our community. Each week, we’ll be introducing you to a new guest who will be diving into important topics about the #BlackLivesMatter movement. We hope that you will find this series educational and empowering. This week we linked up with Philadelphia 76ers forward Tobias Harris about how the impact of the NBA’s action on social issues.

— You’ve been front-and-center at protests in Philadelphia. Why do you think it’s so important for a person of your stature to be at events like this?

— How have the conversations about social injustice continued within the NBA bubble? How are some ways you have kept the conversation front-and-center with your teammates and other people around the league?

— Your article at the Players Tribune had some great insights on education. Since it wasn’t taught in school, tell us about the importance of young children learning more about black leaders and black individuals that have made a huge impact on the world. 

— Education has also been a theme in a lot of your community work, specifically around the need for more black teachers and mentors. Why do you think that’s such an important thing for the black community?

— You’ve chosen to donate to the Mary McLeod Bethune school in Philadelphia. Tell us about this school and why it has had such an impact on you.

…and more.

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